If you cringe every time you see your monthly gas and electric bills, there’s no need to continue paying high rates. Thanks to natural gas and electricity deregulation in most northeastern states, you have the power to choose your own energy provider. Look for one that provides all the benefits you need to enjoy affordable, reliable utilities.
Low Prices
Of course, the first thing on your mind is the chance to save on natural gas and electricity. Check your most recent bill for your utility rate and call UGI EnergyLink at 800-797-0712 to find out our current rates. If your rate is higher than ours, even by only a few pennies, you could stand to save hundreds of dollars per year, depending on your energy usage.
Not only do we offer low rates to begin with, but we offer the chance to lock in your low rate for predictable utility bills all year round. This is the perfect solution if you have a strict budget you must stick to every month.
On the other hand, if you want to take advantage of market fluctuations for unpredictable bills that may end up being lower when added up at the end of the year, we make this option available to our customers as well.
Easy to Switch
The hardest part about convincing yourself to switch providers is overcoming the drawback of service interruptions during the switch. With UGI EnergyLink, you experience no such interruptions! You can lock in your lower rate and start saving without the need to take your utilities offline for any period of time. This convenience makes switching to a more affordable service provider a no-brainer.
Maintenance and Repair Coverage
Breakdowns are never convenient, but with a UGI Advantage Service Agreement, you can count on emergency repairs 24/7 – even on weekends and holidays! Signing up for an agreement plan also provides you with discounts on parts and labor needed for repairs, as well as discounts on scheduled annual maintenance, making it more affordable to keep your heating and cooling equipment up and running. A full year of coverage at a low monthly rate provides great peace of mind for seasons to come.
To find out if your current rates are higher than what UGI EnergyLink offers, contact us today! If you’re not completely satisfied after making the switch, we’ll return you to your old provider, no questions asked.