If you own or manage a retail store in Ohio, you understand how budgeting can be challenging. Whether you own an apparel store in Columbus that screams, “O-H-I-O,” or you manage your town’s local supermarket selling the freshest vegetables, strategizing costs can make or break your annual profit. With many expenses increasing and out of your control, there is something you can control that directly impacts your total expenditures: your electricity costs.

There are several ways to take control of your electric costs. Continue reading to learn more about how retail stores use electricity and how to reduce your commercial electric bill.

How Retail Stores Use Electricity

With technology advancing, retail stores are using electric for more than keeping the lights on. Many items in a retail store run off electricity, such as:

  • Computers and pin pads
  • Alarm system and security cameras
  • Internet
  • Heating and cooling
  • Digital signage
  • Lighting
  • And more!

With an increasing number of items using electricity, it is important to not only control your electric cost from your service provider but to also take action within your store to conserve energy.

Managing Electricity Costs in Ohio Retail Stores

In the state of Ohio, energy deregulation has enabled business owners to purchase their energy supply from an electric supplier of their choice, like UGI EnergyLink. Now that electricity pricing can be compared, competition has inflated resulting in better pricing and better customer service. When researching electric providers in your Ohio region, be sure to understand pricing options that are available to choose the best price for you and your business.

UGI EnergyLink can help your business reduce your utility costs with our two commercial electricity pricing options. These options include:

Fixed Pricing Option

The fixed pricing option from UGI EnergyLink is excellent for business owners who would like a consistent price year-round with no hidden or surprise fees.  This rate is fixed for the term of your contract and can be adjusted at the end of your contract!

Variable Pricing Option

The variable pricing option from UGI EnergyLink is an excellent choice for business owners who can afford a higher risk and can take advantage of various market conditions throughout the year.

More Tips for Managing Electricity Costs

There are several other ways to manage your electricity costs by conserving energy. Some ways to preserve electric in your retail store include:

  • Add motion sensors to low traffic rooms (dressing rooms, restrooms, back offices, etc.)
  • Always turn off unused electrical devices when closing (computers, digital signs, printers, etc.)
  • Switch to LED lighting for the most energy-efficient lighting technology.
  • Pay attention to your thermostat temperature for to avoid overworking your HVAC system.

Switch to UGI EnergyLink

UGI EnergyLink has been providing electricity to retail stores throughout Ohio and the East coast for more than 127 years. With two different pricing options and our expertise in energy, we can help you and your business lower your electric bill and pick a plan you can afford. Switching to UGI EnergyLink, you’ll receive:

  • Transparent pricing – no hidden or surprising fees
  • Flexibility with our two pricing plans
  • Professional customer service support
  • Answers from professionals you can trust

If you are ready to switch to an electric plan that your retail store can afford, contact us or fill out our simple enrollment form today!