Thanks to electricity deregulation in New York, business owners can now decide where they buy their electric service. By transitioning to a commercial electricity supplier (like UGI EnergyLink), businesses can purchase their energy from a supplier other than the local distribution company in the area. New York business owners—whether they are based in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, or Staten Island—can and should shop around for the best price on their electricity service. Given the challenging economic circumstances in the state and throughout much of the country, businesses are best served to find ways to cut costs.
To learn how your business can enjoy a cheaper rate on electricity, call UGI EnergyLink at 800-797-0712800-797-0712.
Current Commercial Electricity Rate in New York
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that the average commercial electricity rate in New York as of March 2013 was 14.74 cents per kWh (kilowatts per hour), far exceeding the national average of 11.59 cents per kWh. A typical small business setting in New York—whether it be a pizza shop or theater—may consume about 5,000 kWh per month, which would bring its monthly energy bill to about $$737. For this business, saving just a few pennies on the amount paid per KWh can make a real difference on the company’s bottom line. What if the business could pay two cents less per kWh? Its monthly energy bill would drop $100 to $637—resulting in annual savings of about $1,200.
While exact numbers will vary, this should give you a general idea of the savings opportunity so easily available to you.
At UGI EnergyLink, we service the following NY utilities: National Grid, New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, and Rochester Gas and Electric.
Make UGI EnergyLink Your New York Commercial Electric Service Provider
A business’s electricity use deserves management attention—and that’s where we can help. We’re proud to be a deregulated energy supplier that services over 43,000 residential and commercial customers throughout the northeast. In addition to NY, we serve customers in:
• Maryland (MD)
• Pennsylvania (PA)
• New Jersey (NJ)
• Delaware (DE)
• Washington, D.C.
• Massachusetts (MA)
• Ohio (OH)
• North Carolina (NC)
• Virginia (VA)
We’re a well-established, respected, and trusted deregulated energy supplier with a major presence in the northeast. We’re proud to be a trusted commercial electricity supplier in New York, one of the most populous and iconic cities in the U.S.
At UGI EnergyLink, we don’t just buy and sell electricity in the marketplace—we own key generation facilities, which are part of the PJM Power Pool. By optimizing the combined use of our generation and the broader PJM Pool, we can supply the most reliable and cost-effective electricity to your business in New York.
By switching to our electric service, you’ll experience no service interruptions and will enjoy the same high quality of service that you currently do. All you have to do is fill out our simple enrollment form—be sure to have your account number, current utility company, etc. handy in front of you.
The opportunity to lower your current kWh rate (and, consequently, your monthly energy bill) should not be passed on—especially given the current economic uncertainty in New York and throughout much of the country.