There’s no doubt that the PA economy continues to face serious challenges and uncertainties, pushing families and business owners to seek new opportunities to save money. But thankfully as a result of electricity deregulation in PA, Pennsylvanians have more supplier choices. Thus, they have more access to lower electricity rates and multiple pricing options from companies. Many PA electric companies, such as UGI EnergyLink, offer consumers several pricing structures, including a fixed pricing option and a variable pricing option. Let’s take a look at the advantages of each, and why you’ll want to make us your electric company in PA.
Fixed Electricity Rates for Pennsylvania Residents
With a fixed-rate plan on electricity, you’re guaranteed a set electricity rate over an extended period of time. In a fixed-rate arrangement, your electricity rate will be competitive at the time of contract, as well as based on your own demand for electricity. You’ll be charged the same amount per kilowatt hour of electricity each month until your contract expires, whether the price of electricity rises or falls.
Note that with our power residential and commercial customers, each has their own billing cycle or “month” based off their meter read cycle. One customer’s bill may begin on the 1st while another’s cycle begins on the 19th.
The key benefit of this fixed pricing plan is that it eliminates any unpredictability pertaining to your Pennsylvania electricity rate. If your family is living on a fixed income or have a very well-defined monthly budget for your small business, this plan is for you. You’ll enjoy the stability and consistency of your fixed rate, and predicting your energy bill will be one less hassle each month. Knowing ahead of time what to expect from your monthly energy bill really simplifies your budget plan. Our residential and commercial customers in Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Reading, and throughout the state have really appreciated having this kind of pricing stability!
Variable Electricity Rates for Pennsylvania Residents
Signing up for a variable plan allows your electricity rate to change from month to month, depending on market fluctuations. Selecting this plan means you’ll probably pay a different amount per kilowatt hour every month.
So, why should you select a variable plan on PA electricity rates? If you believe electricity prices will fluctuate enough on the low end to come out cheaper than a comparable fixed rate plan, then a variable plan might be suitable for you. With a little bit of risk, this plan gives you a significant amount of flexibility and gives you the opportunity to take advantage of lowering market rates.
Make UGI EnergyLink Your PA Electric Company
These multiple pricing options on electricity are excellent, but you’re probably curious as to how you can save money by making us your PA electric company. At UGI EnergyLink, we don’t simply buy and sell electricity in the marketplace—we own key generational facilities, which are part of the PJM Power Pool. PJM Interconnection is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. By optimizing the combined use of our own generation and the broader PJM Pool, we can supply the most reliable and cost-effective electricity to your home.