How can you save money when it comes to your refrigerator? There are many ways you can save on costs that don’t require excess “energy” on your part – pun intended! Replacing your current model with an energy-efficient refrigerator is at the top of the list.
It is also important where you put a second refrigerator and at what temperature you set it. There are many things you can do to save money and prolong the life of your refrigerators. Here are some tips to help you make your refrigerators work more efficiently. From small adjustments to larger ones, whatever your current goal, you can move toward more significant savings over time.
Utility Rebates for Energy Efficient Appliances
Did you know that some utilities will pick up your old working refrigerator, and if everything is good, they will send you a rebate check? This is very helpful, as most trash companies will not pick up your old refrigerator until you remove the refrigerant. Eliminating this step makes life easier and takes one item off your plate. Contact your local utility to find out if they have a pick-up program. As a bonus, many utility companies will even give you a rebate check for recycling your old appliances!
Purchase ENERGY STAR Appliances
While this may cost you upfront, the ultimate savings are well worth the investment. If you aren’t due for a new appliance, plan to purchase an ENERGY STAR appliance when you are ready.
Placement of Your Second Refrigerator is Key
Some people place their second refrigerator in their garage or a place where it gets very warm. This makes the refrigerator run more, and that means you’re paying more for your energy. Garages get warm during the summer, and placing the refrigerator in the garage will make it run harder, which could break down the refrigerator.
Temperature for Both the Refrigerator and Freezer
Why read the owner’s manual? It may give you insight into the best temperature to set your refrigerator and freezer. You don’t want them too cold, which makes them work too hard. The average refrigerator temperature is 34 to 38 degrees.
Maintenance and Cleaning
Although it might not be the most exciting job, take the time to pull out your refrigerator from the wall and clean it. Dust gets trapped in those hard-to-reach places and may be causing your model to work less efficiently. A good cleaning will help the refrigerator run better and last longer. While you’re doing this scan, make sure everything is sealed well and the coils are clean in the back. When you place it back in its spot, give it some room in the back for airflow.
Keep Doors Closed and Hot Food Out
You may have repeated your parents’ words many times. “Close the refrigerator door!” Well, now we know why! Keep the food cold inside, and the refrigerator will not have to run as hard. What about hot food? Let food cool down before you place it in the refrigerator, as heat will radiate off the food and increase the internal temperature of the unit.
Create an Energy Savings Plan for Your Appliances
It’s no secret that most people have very busy days with little time to be devoted to the inner workings of their homes and utilities. These items typically get pushed to the back burner. However, over the course of months and years, small changes can create significant savings. Plan a time to review your appliances and energy usage and see where you can make small or large changes to save you money in the long run. If starting small works for you and your family, try to get everyone involved in cleaning the fridge more frequently or commit to only placing food in the fridge once it cools. You may be surprised at the savings you incur.
So, is your refrigerator running? Or maybe the better question is, are you saving money, or is it flying out your refrigerator door? Take back control with these cost-saving tips!
Ready to make a big difference in your energy bill? Contact the experts at UGI EnergyLink today!