We are quickly approaching the long-awaited summer months after what seemed like a brutal winter and mild spring. As soon as the chilly nights leave us, the warm, sun-filled days bring about a completely new season. While we are busy breaking out our sandals, getting the grill ready for barbecues, and manicuring our flowerbeds – our energy costs can be the last thing on our minds. We highly encourage taking in every second of this beautiful time of year, and implementing some energy-saving tactics along the way can make your summer even sweeter. Like our winter wardrobe, let’s pack away our cold-weather energy-saving tips and break out our new, very cool, summer staples!

Continue reading for our summer energy-saving tips!

Use your windows to keep out heat – If you find yourself with a sunburn after standing next to your window for too long – this one is for you. Believe it or not, window coverings such as blinds or curtains are not only for decorative purposes, they can also lower your cooling costs. There are even more options on the market now that can seriously reduce the amount of heat coming through your windows. Enjoy your time in the sun when you are sitting poolside, not in your living room. To learn more, check out https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-efficient-window-attachments.

Operate your thermostat efficiently – As obvious as this may be, the less you cool your house, the lower your energy costs will be. By that, we specifically mean, cool your home so that you are comfortable but try not to have an extreme difference in temperature from the inside to the outside. Devices like programmable thermostats allow you to automatically change your house’s temperature, allowing you to cool your house only while you are at home. When setting your thermostat, do not set it lower than you normally would to quickly cool your home. This will not cool your home any faster and is simply an unnecessary cost.

Use fans and ventilation strategies to cool your home – Know how to use the fans in your house appropriately. Be sure to turn off ceiling fans and other fans when leaving a room and use the bathroom, laundry, and kitchen fans that vent to the outside, to remove heat from those rooms.

Keep your cooling system running efficiently – It’s best to schedule regular maintenance for your cooling equipment to ensure it is running efficiently. Avoid placing electronics that give off heat near your thermostat. This can cause your system to get a false read and put out more cool air than necessary. Vacuum or clean your air intake vents to clear any dust or debris that may be preventing airflow. Also, ensure that nothing is blocking your air vents.

Consider a variety of appliances and lighting options – Take advantage of natural light as opposed to artificial lighting as much as possible. Also, consider lighting options, such as LED lighting, that operate at a lower temperature. You may initially incur a small cost with this option, but the savings will make it well worth it.

Wash your clothes and dishes more efficiently – Wash full loads of clothes and dishes to minimize excess energy usage. Using cool water as opposed to hot can also reduce energy usage.

Keep hot air from leaking into your home – Sealing cracks and openings can help to lessen the hot air that enters your home, which will reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home. Use caulk or weather-stripping to seal leaks around your doors and windows. This is a simple, cost-efficient way to start saving right away.

Lower your water heating costs – Heating the water in your home accounts for a significant portion of your energy consumption. Adjusting your water heater temperature to no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit will save energy and costs.

With the help of these summer energy-saving tips, you will be well on your way to soaking up the savings this summer. Remember, a few smaller changes can add up to some serious changes in your monthly bill. So kick back, relax, and let your energy system work for you!

To learn more, visit https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/spring-and-summer-energy-saving-tips.