Budgeting has become more important now than ever before for many families living in Pennsylvania and neighboring states because of the continually climbing costs of goods and services. While everyday necessities like electricity bills can’t be avoided, they can be reduced. Our goal at UGI EnergyLink is to provide our customers with the lowest electricity rate possible so you can spend your hard-earned money on other things.

Contact UGI EnergyLink today to find out how you can lower your monthly electric bill in PA!

10 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Bills in PA

  1. Install energy efficient appliances and products. Any appliance that’s older than 10 years was most likely not designed for energy efficiency and could be costing you just by consuming more energy than newer, more modern units. Just by opting for ENERGY STAR® products, you’ll already start to cut costs by making your home more energy efficient. ENERGY STAR offers appliances ranging from refrigerators and air conditioners to washing machines and dishwashers.
  2. Identify and seal air leaks. Energy can escape through leaks or a lack of insulation in your home. Nobody wants to pay for a home heating and cooling system that they don’t even get to fully benefit from! That’s why checking for leaks and making sure your home is well-insulated can keep energy inside, saving you money.
  3. Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use. This goes for your television, computer, phone charger, microwave, toaster, etc. Anything that is plugged into an outlet in your Pennsylvania home can still be using energy, even if it’s not actively being used. If you have cords plugged into a surge protector and you can go the extra mile to unplug all of them when not in use—even better!
  4. Adjust thermostat settings. With so many options to choose from when it comes to thermostats, this is an easy adjustment that could save you a lot of money and energy. Programmable thermostats ensure your home is at a comfortable temperature when you get home from work or a vacation, but that energy isn’t being wasted to heat and cool your home when nobody is there to even enjoy it.
  5. Use motion activated lights. This will help to reduce the amount of time lights are being left on or forgotten about. With lights only turning on or off depending on the amount of time that has passed since motion was detected, you’ll be wasting much less energy.
  6. Schedule regular HVAC maintenance. Scheduling routine tune-ups can help to detect and diagnose any problems early on. This means they can be corrected before turning into a bigger problem, which could negatively impact the lifespan of your unit and increase the amount of future issues. These maintenance visits will keep everything running smoothly for a longer period of time, which will ultimately keep more money in your pocket.
  7. Replace and update light bulbs. Just like your older appliances, outdated light bulbs are most likely using more energy than necessary. By switching to LED or CFL bulbs, you could start to see a difference in your utility bill.
  8. Take advantage of natural light. The sun is a great source of light, especially in the summer. Longer days mean more sunshine, and that could be a great way to keep the lights off for longer periods of time in your home or office space. If you are not taking advantage of natural light, try to be as conscious as possible when it comes to turning off your lights when you leave a room.
  9. Utilize natural gas. As one of the most efficient fossil fuels, natural gas is affordable and reliable. Plus, you won’t see your electricity bills climb in the colder months like you probably do when it comes to a propane or oil heating system.
  10. Switch electricity suppliers. Since Pennsylvania is a deregulated energy market, you get to choose your electricity provider! That’s great news because it means you can shop around for the lowest rates and pick the company that you think would be the best fit for your needs. UGI EnergyLink offers an easy transition and strives to provide the best deals for you and your family!

Save On Your Monthly Bills with UGI EnergyLink

If you want a reliable electricity provider with your best interests in mind, call UGI EnergyLink at 1-800-481-6890 today! We provide natural gas services with honest and fair pricing that won’t leave you surprised when you receive your monthly bill. We know that every little bit matters when it comes to the money you spend on home services and products, and we want your money to go as far as it can with us.

Contact UGI EnergyLink today to start saving money on your monthly electric and utility bills in PA!