Natural gas can provide numerous benefits to your commercial business in Pennsylvania. And to meet your extensive and unique needs, UGI Energy Services, LLC offers top-tier services to ensure you’re fully covered, no matter the applications you choose to put to use in your structure. Looking to learn a bit more about natural gas for your business? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

What are the Applications for Natural Gas in My Business?

As a widely available fossil fuel, natural gas has evolved to meet various purposes that can benefit your business. Gas can be chosen to heat your business, cool it, provide power for generators and industry-grade equipment, among other applications. This means you tailor your service needs to what you require, opting for something as simple as heating, or as all-encompassing as covering your total energy needs.

How Does Natural Gas Benefit Commercial Businesses?

Are you considering moving to natural gas, but are unsure what benefits it can bring to your business? Choosing natural gas can bring:

  • Reduced operation costs. By changing to gas, you can reduce overall operation costs. When compared to propane, gas is more cost-effective, more cost-stable, and outperforms both propane and electric energy considerably.
  • Reliable access to power. In the face of outages, storms, and other complications, natural gas access remains uninterrupted, allowing your business to stay on track no matter the situation at hand.
  • Flexible and versatile usability. Power your business’ heating with natural gas, or choose to supply power to your entire business. Your options are in no way limited with natural gas.
  • A clean fuel source. The ignition of natural gas is a nearly perfect form of combustion, producing a clean and even form of energy that leaves no residues, soot, or other unpleasant byproducts.

Does My Business Have Access to Natural Gas?

Almost certainly. The vast majority of commercial spaces in our area have access to a gas line, meaning you have a clear path to a better energy source. If you’re unsure, of need a way to find out for certain, you can always depend on UGI Energy Services to help you get the info you need.

Is it time to make the change to natural gas for your commercial business? Contact the specialists at UGI!