How much natural gas does your golf course use each month and how much do you pay for it? Knowing your energy use and buying habits is crucial in a deregulated energy market—or you could be wasting hundreds each month with a higher rate contract.

UGI EnergyLink is a commercial natural gas supplier—we’ve been in the Pennsylvania market for over 127 years. Keep reading below to learn how golf course managers can use energy deregulation to their benefit and receive a more affordable natural gas rate.

Natural Gas Deregulation & Golf Course Management

Pennsylvania has a deregulated commercial natural gas market…but what does that have to do with how you manage your golf course? A lot, actually! Golf courses use natural gas in many day-to-day operations (see below), and those fuel and energy expenses can add up. Increased energy costs don’t need to go on your ever growing list of other rising expenses, such as increasing membership dues, Pro Shop prices, and landscaping and maintenance expenses.

In a deregulated market, you have a choice. You have a choice of your natural gas marketer (such as UGI EnergyLink) and the pricing rate you agree to when you switch and enroll. These choices allow you to control (at least some of) your expenses. You can even lock in a rate to save money in the long run, month over month.

Deregulated commercial natural gas benefits you and your golf course management in other ways, including:

  • Reliable, uninterrupted service (the same gas is delivered to your facility through the same pipelines)
  • Competitive rates (with more companies competing for your business, rates are finally affordable)
  • Stellar customer service

Energy Use for Golf Courses

Your facility uses natural gas in many day-to-day operations, including:

  • Heating, cooling, and ventilation
  • Dining rooms, kitchens, catering, and food stands
  • Special events (including weddings, receptions, etc.)
  • And more

Looking to control those costs? Call us today—we’ll talk with you about energy buying habits and find a pricing rate that works for your facility.

Why Should I Choose UGI EnergyLink for Natural Gas Services in Lancaster, PA?

UGI EnergyLink stands out from other Pennsylvania natural gas companies—with us, you can really save money on your golf course’s energy bills! When you connect with UGI EnergyLink, you can:

  • Easily switch to our natural gas service—with no service interruptions
  • Lock in a rate to save money over time
  • Forget worrying about increases or seasonal fluctuations
  • Improve monthly budgeting with a consolidated, predictable bill
  • Work with a company that has been around for over 127 years

To make the switch to UGI EnergyLink commercial natural gas services in Pennsylvania, call us at 800-797-0712800-797-0712 today!

Enroll for Natural Gas & Electricity with UGI EnergyLink