Let’s face it: electricity is a significant line item in your business budget. And if you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know that costs can fluctuate with the seasons and be hard to predict from month to month. If you want to cut energy costs while being able to better stick to a monthly budget, UGI’s Winter Lock Program can help.
How It Works
Before winter starts, you can lock in your per-unit energy price so that it doesn’t fluctuate during the upcoming cold months.
It can be beneficial to lock in this lower price in the winter, even if you take advantage of the great rates that come with variable pricing during the rest of the year. That’s because in winter the overall demand for natural gas – and therefore natural gas prices – tend to increase.
A smart strategy is to make your move during the end of summer, when the demand for natural gas is lower, and lock in that low price to get you through the winter months. You’ll get that low rate from November through March, for four billing periods of the year.
Does It Matter?
For the past couple of years, natural gas and electricity prices have remained pretty stable – but that’s no guarantee that it will remain that way. Prices can change quickly, and locking in your rate is a way to reduce your risk and better anticipate your costs in the coming months.
How to Sign Up
Just go to www.ugienergylink.com/winterlock and enter your name and WebID to get started. Please refer to your Winter Lock renewal letter you should have received in the mail to locate your WebID number.
Or, call us at 610-373-79999 or toll-free at 800-427-8545 and press 0 to speak directly to a member of our Customer Care Team.