classroom supplies

Whether it’s a college campus, trade school, primary school, or another educational organization, one thing is typically true: there’s a lot of space to cover. Many educational institutions span across multiple buildings and campuses, making it essential to find energy efficiencies wherever possible to reduce operational costs and promote sustainability. In honor of the back-to-school season, let’s explore some energy-efficient tips for educational organizations.

Upgrade & Be Intentional About Lighting

For many educational institutions, lighting can account for a considerable chunk of your energy bill. An easy way to cut back is by turning off lights when rooms are empty. Encourage teachers, professors, students, and faculty to do the same. If there are any light fixtures near windows, remove them and rely on the sunlight instead.

If your school uses incandescent bulbs for lighting, replace them with ultra-efficient LEDs. LED lights can last 50,000 to 100,000 hours or more, whereas the typical lifespan for an incandescent bulb is only 1-5% as long. Switching to LEDs can cut your organization’s wattage consumption by thousands.

You can also install motion switches in rooms not frequently occupied, like bathrooms, faculty lounges, and more, to ensure energy is only used when needed.

Monitor Heating & Cooling

In a typical school building, heating and cooling account for 40% to 50% of energy use. For larger buildings, that number could be even more significant. To ensure your systems are working efficiently, get your HVAC systems serviced annually before each school year begins. Here are a few more energy-efficient heating and cooling tips to consider:

  • Keep thermostats set to 78 during warm months and 68 during colder months.
  • Make sure vents are not blocked by furniture, books, papers, or anything else.
  • Lower the heat in hallways and keep classroom doors closed. These high-traffic areas are only occupied for short spurts of time, so they don’t need to be heated the same way as classrooms or lecture halls.
  • If certain rooms are colder or hotter than others, find out why. Inspect windows and doors for drafts.
  • Implement zoning systems throughout your educational institution, so you’re able to heat and cool only the areas in use.
  • Install programmable thermostats to control heating and cooling based on school hours and reduce energy use during off-hours.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Technology

We’re living in a constantly evolving, eco-conscious world! There’s no lack of energy-saving equipment, appliances, and technology of which to take advantage.

According to a National Center for Education Statistics survey, 98% of schools use computers in the classroom. While in sleep mode, computers use between 2-5 watts per hour. When you multiply that by hundreds of students, you get a concerning amount of wasted energy (phantom loads).

To help combat phantom loads, invest in smart power strips that automatically shut down electronics when not in use. If you’re looking to upgrade your institution’s computer inventory altogether, invest in ENERGY STAR. Computers with an ENERGY STAR label use 25% to 40% less than conventional models.

ENERGY STAR also has many other appliances you may use throughout your educational facilities. From smart thermostats and heat pumps to refrigerators and ceiling fans and more, there’s no excuse not to be efficient!

Create an Energy-Savers Club

Encourage energy conservation across campus by establishing an Energy-Savers Club that actively engages staff, faculty, and students. The club can brainstorm and implement energy-efficient practices both at school and in their personal lives. To make an impact on campus, create an “Energy Patrol” within the club, where students monitor for energy waste, like lights left on in empty rooms or idle computers that haven’t been powered down.

The club can also design creative and engaging signage with energy-saving reminders such as “Turn off the lights when you leave!” and “Finished with your computer? Power it down!” These efforts not only promote energy efficiency but also foster a culture of sustainability throughout the school community.

Work with Energy Experts

Unlike other companies that dabble in the energy market, at UGI EnergyLink, our core business is and always has been energy. Because we own our own natural gas storage facilities, electric generation plants, propane air facilities, pipelines, and other infrastructure, UGI EnergyLink is uniquely positioned to navigate the complexities of the electricity and natural gas markets. This ensures cost savings for our customers and the security of fixed pricing options.

By following these energy-efficient tips for educational organizations, your institution can save significantly on energy costs, decrease its carbon footprint, and become a model of sustainable practices for the community. If you’re looking for additional energy-saving tips, download our Commercial Energy Guide or contact the experts at UGI EnergyLink today