The UGI EnergyLink Family
UGI Energy Services
UGI EnergyLink is part of UGI Energy Services, LLC. We serve the energy needs of residential customers and small businesses through our UGI EnergyLink division. UGI Energy Services (UGIES) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UGI Corporation, a Fortune 500 Company.
UGIES reliably supplies and markets natural gas, liquid fuels, and electricity to over 40,000 customers across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S. We are a supplier, marketer, and midstream services provider – one backed by over 100 years of natural gas experience, plus our own expanding energy infrastructure. Along with buying and selling energy commodities at the wholesale level, UGIES owns and operates key electric generation and midstream natural gas assets throughout Pennsylvania.
Midstream Services
As a premier midstream provider in the northeast US, UGIES Midstream Services gets affordable natural gas to the markets that need it. We connect producers, distributors, and marketers with the assets and services they need to serve their customers more efficiently and reliably.
UGI Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is simply natural gas that has been cooled to -260 °F at normal air pressure. Energy-dense and safely transported by truck, LNG offers industrial users a replacement option for propane or fuel oil and is also used as diesel alternative in on-road trucks and mining vehicles. LNG also helps power the oilfield service, marine, and rail sectors. UGI Energy Services and its affiliates have been producing and working with LNG for more than 40 years. Today, UGIES is the provider of choice for companies large and small that count on LNG to power their businesses forward.