Home Energy FAQs

What is “Customer Choice”?
Customer Choice is a utility program mandated by the government. It provides the opportunity for commercial and/or residential customers to ‘shop’ around for energy programs or rates that might be more competitive than what their utility can offer.
Why would my utility support this program?
Utilities are mandated to participate in this program by the government. The Choice program was instituted to create a more equitable playing field with the customer’s best interests in mind.
Is UGI EnergyLink the same company as UGI Utility?
UGI EnergyLink is an affiliated company and is a licensed third-party provider of natural gas and electricity. The prices charged by UGI EnergyLink are NOT regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which allows UGI EnergyLink to offer greater flexibility in the terms and types of pricing we can offer our customers.
When I switch to UGI EnergyLink, am I leaving the utility?
No, your utility will still deliver the supply to your home or business, read your meter, and respond to any emergency calls. Your utility will also continue to send you a monthly invoice for your distribution charges, either separately or as part of consolidated billing with UGI EnergyLink. When you switch to UGI EnergyLink you are simply choosing to purchase your supply from UGI EnergyLink.
Is there a risk that my gas could be shut off during the switch to UGI EnergyLink?
No, switching will not affect your gas supply. Your local utility will continue to monitor, maintain, and provide all of the services that it has in the past.
Is UGI EnergyLink an actual Supplier or are they an Aggregator/Broker or Consultant?
UGI EnergyLink is a licensed supplier. We own power generation, Marcellus Shale gas supply, and LNG plants in Pennsylvania, so we can bring the energy right to you. When you choose UGI EnergyLink you are working directly with a supplier. In many instances, if you select an Aggregator/Broker or Consultant, there are often additional fees built in or charged on top of the actual energy cost (in most cases). You avoid these fees by working with a supplier directly.
Will the natural gas that I receive from UGI EnergyLink be of the same quality as from the utility?
Yes, It is exactly the same quality. The only change that you will see is that you will be billed for your gas commodity/supply by UGI EnergyLink.
Will my utility continue to provide services if I switch to UGI EnergyLink as my supplier?
Yes, your utility will continue to deliver your gas, read your meter, and respond to emergency calls.
Why do you need my account number?
UGI EnergyLink works closely with the utility who will continue to deliver your gas, read your meter, respond to emergency calls. The utility will continue to invoice you monthly for your distribution charges, either separately or as part of a consolidated bill with UGI EnergyLink. UGI EnergyLink will use your account number to enroll you for service, request usage, confirm whether your account is for home or business, and to reference your account when communicating with the utility.
What does the term “fixed price/rate” mean?
When you choose a fixed price for your supply, that price is guaranteed not to change for the specified term of your agreement.
What does the term “variable price/rate” mean?
When you choose a variable price/rate for your supply, that price will fluctuate with market movements. A variable price can go higher or lower depending on the market influences.
If I choose a fixed price, will the fixed price represent the entire amount on my monthly bill?
No, the fixed price option will only pertain to the gas or electric supply charges on your bill. Other costs such as the distribution and transmission charges are not included in the fixed price for your supply. Gas and electric prices are made up of an energy portion sometimes called the “commodity” or the “supply”, and the “basis” or “transmission” portion. The basis and/or transmission costs include all the costs involved in actually getting the natural gas or electric to the end user. Additionally, you will be charged for any applicable taxes.
Will I be charged an early termination fee for canceling before my agreement with UGI EnergyLink ends?
UGI EnergyLink does not charge a penalty or early termination charge for those customers canceling early with variable-priced accounts; however, customers who choose a fixed rate can be subject to early termination charges should they choose to cancel prior to the end of their agreement.
How do the utility’s rates differ from what UGI EnergyLink offers?
In Pennsylvania, the utility is only required to maintain the same fixed rate for 3 billing cycles-quarterly. This means that the utility is able to change rates every three months if it chooses to do so. When you choose a fixed rate with UGI EnergyLink, that rate is guaranteed based on the terms and conditions of the contract. When UGI EnergyLink offers variable rate products, only the first month is quoted as a fixed price. Subsequent months will vary with market prices.


It is important to understand the type of rate you will be receiving, and that the product you are choosing is, in fact, the product you really want. We are very specific with price and terms in our product offers. We want you to understand what you are choosing to ensure you’re making the most informed energy decision that meets your specific needs. If you have questions concerning your account, you can call the Customer Care department at UGI EnergyLink by dialing 610-373-7999 or 1-800-427-8545. You may also email UGI EnergyLink Customer Care Representatives at Customercare@ugies.com.

What will change on my new bill? Where will my bill come from?
Your local utility will continue to send you a bill for the distribution charge portion of your service. Your commodity/supply charges bill will come from UGI EnergyLink. In some cases, both the distribution and commodity will appear on the same bill from your utility and that is called consolidated billing.
What is dual billing?
Dual billing means that you receive two separate invoices each month when you choose to go with UGI EnergyLink. One invoice comes from the utility with all of the distribution charges associated with delivering your supply. The other invoice comes from UGI EnergyLink and it has the charges for your actual electricity or natural gas supply.
What is consolidated billing?
Consolidated billing means that you receive one invoice from the utility that not only includes the distribution charges assessed by the utility; it also includes UGI EnergyLink charges for the electricity or natural gas supply as well.
What is the Winter Lock Offer or Option?
Each year prior to November, UGI EnergyLink will send out a winter lock offer to natural gas customers who currently have variable rate pricing. This gives those customers the option to “lock-in” a fixed rate for the winter months (typically November-March meter read cycle), to help protect against the historically higher natural gas prices that can occur during the winter months.**
Can I drop out of the Winter Lock program at any time during the winter?
If you enroll in the program, you are committed to that price option for the entire winter term of your contract, which would typically include your November-March meter read cycle.
I am currently being serviced by another supplier, what will happen if I switch to UGI EnergyLink?
In most cases, once you enroll with UGI EnergyLink your account will automatically switch over; however, it is important to understand the terms and conditions of the contract you have with your current supplier. Early cancellation penalty fees may apply. Check your current contract terms before committing to the switch.
Do I have to participate in the “Choice” program?
No, you may choose to continue purchasing your electricity or natural gas from your utility. The Energy Choice program allows consumers the flexibility of shopping around for a better price and/or the security of locking in a rate for a longer term.
Can I change my mind?
Yes, you have a rescission period of three business days following receipt of the disclosure statement from your supplier. The customer may cancel in writing, orally, or electronically, if available, by contacting the supplier. Waivers of the three-day rescission are not permitted, and termination fees may apply after the rescission period.
What happens when the term of my contract with UGI EnergyLink ends?
An initial notice shall be provided to each customer 60 to 75 days prior to the expiration date of the contract or the effective date of the proposed change in terms. This notice will serve as a reminder to look for your renewal offer in the mail. The renewal offer will be provided at least 45 days prior to the expiration date of their contract, or the effective date of the proposed change in terms.
What happens if I do not respond to the renewal offer?
If you do not respond to the offer within the renewal offer period, UGI EnergyLink will automatically place you into a variable rate program. However, approximately 30 days after the renewal offer closes, you will receive a notice confirming your program rate type which can serve as a reminder if you did not respond. If at that time, you decide to request a new fixed rate or choose to cancel, you can do so without penalty.
How can UGI EnergyLink save me money on my utility bill?
UGI EnergyLink monitors the energy markets and can strategically react to favorable market movements in order to manage its energy portfolio to optimum levels. It is UGI EnergyLink’s goal to offer its customers the most competitive rates available.


In addition to possible dollar savings, UGI EnergyLink customers are afforded the security of a fixed price option to protect against utility rates that can change every three months.

What is Gross Receipt Tax (GRT)?
Taxes that are collected on your electric bill are kept separate and apart from the revenue on which those taxes are applied. However, in Pennsylvania, the Gross Receipt Tax (GRT) is passed through to the consumer and considered to be part of the revenue base against which the GRT is calculated.


  • PA – Gross Receipt Tax (based on revenue) and sales tax.
  • NJ – Sales and Use Tax
  • All Others – Sales Tax

The calculation formula is: Cost = (Taxable Amount)/(1 – GRT)

Utilities and electricity generation suppliers use varying methods to invoice the Pennsylvania GRT. Some competitive suppliers present the GRT as a separate line item, which allows customers to identify its exact amount. Other suppliers may include the tax in its price, making it more difficult to confirm the true price. It’s more common to quote a price without the GRT. You can take the price and add the GRT to this number and compare your price to what you are paying today.

*Quoted rates exclude GRT and Sales Tax where applicable unless otherwise stated.
**UGI EnergyLink cannot guarantee that natural gas rates will necessarily move in any one direction during any season.
***UGI EnergyLink cannot necessarily offer you the same fixed rate as was previously offered at the time of renewal due to the fact that the program will have closed and market prices may have changed.
Please note: For Electric Supply, Individual customer rates are calculated utilizing a customer’s unique capacity and transmission factors plus the monthly usage. Customer rates may vary.

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