Residential Natural Gas

Choosing Natural Gas to Heat Your Home

As a heating source for your home, natural gas is typically the preferred option. It is:

  • Affordable — Costs are typically much lower than propane or oil heating costs, and are expected to remain inexpensive well into the next several decades.
  • Predictable — Our fixed-rate pricing plan allows you to predict your monthly heating costs compared to fluctuating costs of oil or propane. We also offer the option for variable pricing. We also offer the option for variable pricing, along with a product that allows you to lock your pricing for just the winter heating months.
  • The Cleanest Burning Fuel Source — Natural gas is the cleanest burning fuel option and emits fewer greenhouse gases than oil or propane.
  • Domestically Abundant in Supply — Pennsylvania is now a leading producer of natural gas thanks to a huge deposit of shale gas directly under the state.

The state of Pennsylvania is becoming one of the most productive gas resources in the U.S. and the world. This abundance of natural gas so close to home allows us to offer lower prices and reduces our dependence on foreign energy.

With a domestic supply of natural gas that is expected to last for decades to come, natural gas prices are expected to remain a record low for the foreseeable future.

Residential Natural Gas, Propane, and Oil Prices in Pennsylvania

Anyone who’s been through a Pennsylvania winter knows how brutally cold it can be! As a homeowner experiencing these extremely cold temperatures and wintery conditions, you may be looking into alternative energy options in order to maximize savings while keeping your home at a comfortable temperature. Natural gas, oil, and propane are all fuel options used to heat homes throughout the northeast, but which one is best for your home?

When selecting which fuel to heat your home, you should not only consider the cost but also the energy efficiency of the fuel source — either natural gas, oil, or propane.

Energy Choice or “Deregulation” for Natural Gas

Deregulation offers you the freedom to choose the company that provides your natural gas needs. You can switch to a Natural Gas Supplier (NGS) that offers an affordable commodity price for a specific period and/or offers the security of locking in your rates to avoid the risk associated with changing energy markets.

In 1999, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed the Natural Gas Choice and Competition Act into law, which gave Pennsylvanian’s the right to choose a supplier of their choice for natural gas. Around this same time, UGI Corporation, who’d already been in the energy industry since the 1800’s, began working in the Energy Choice business too.

This deregulation of natural gas provides consumers with more choices and creates competition among suppliers to keep costs down.

What does Natural Gas Deregulation Mean to You?

Energy deregulation means that you, the consumer, can enjoy the freedom to purchase your natural gas or electricity from any energy supplier that you feel best suits your needs. Also referred to as Energy Choice, energy deregulation gives you the ability to “shop” for your natural gas and electricity.

It is important to find a company that delivers the best options, pricing plans, convenience, and flexibility. The deregulation of natural gas and electricity in our state puts the power of choice in your hands.

The Benefits of Natural Gas Deregulation

Thanks to natural gas choice, you have more of a say in choosing the best plan for you and your household – but that’s not all! Several benefits of natural gas deregulation include:

  • Flexibility – You have the opportunity to shop around, compare rates and find reliable, quality service that fits your needs. If you ever need to switch companies or find a lower, more affordable rate, which that can be done in a deregulated industry.
  • Affordability – Having the ability to compare rates means you can decide on a rate and length of service that meets your needs. Often, you can choose a company with fixed rates that will let you lock in an affordable rate for a specific length of time.
  • Autonomy – You have the power to choose your energy company. If the price or service is not up to par, you can shop elsewhere. (Please note the Terms and Conditions of your contract, before switching suppliers, as termination charges may apply.)

No Interruption in Service

In a deregulated market, it is not uncommon for customers to be concerned about how switching companies will affect their service. Being without energy is not a hassle many homeowners want to deal with, and it is an understandable fear to ponder. However, in reality, switching to a new energy company is easy. Switching providers is seemless—there is no interruption in service. Your local natural gas utility will continue to deliver the natural gas to your home, but you’ll be purchasing it from the provider that you selected.


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Cost of Oil to Heat Your Home

Although using oil to heat your home is a traditional form of fuel across Pennsylvania, you can expect to pay significantly more by selecting oil for your home. Oil heating is:

  • Costly — While all energy costs can fluctuate, oil has traditionally been an expensive heating option.
  • Imported from Abroad — Oil often comes from regions that are economically and politically unstable. This instability means that the price of oil is also extremely unstable.
  • Stored in Tanks Rather Than Delivered Through Pipelines — This means that once the oil tanks in your home are empty, your house will become cold. Because the price of oil tends to spike in the winter when you need it most, you could be looking at a very large bill.

Cost of Propane to Heat Your Home

Propane is a heating fuel that is produced from natural gas, so it is inherently more costly due to the increase in energy resources required to yield the fuel. Residents of Pennsylvania who use propane as a home heating choice also may experience:

  • Volatile Seasonal Fluctuations in Price — Costs often spike unexpectedly and disproportionately compared to normal supply and demand fluctuations.
  • Higher Cost at Peak Season — Propane can be difficult to obtain during the heating season, which means that prices can spike right when you are using the most propane.